FH College of Nursing
We want children at Enfant to learn, to lead and to make a difference
Since its inception in 2006, this institute has remained steadfast to the one central commitment to provide a balanced comprehensive nursing education and clinical skills. Our aims at turning out intellectually enlightened, morally upright, spiritually inspired, emotionally balanced and socially committed nurses. This institution offer Diploma, Graduate Courses in nursing to meet the diverse need of the health care sector. All programs are recognized by both Indian nursing council and UP Nurses & Midwives Council.


Nursing is not simply a collection of specific skills and your are not simply a person trained to perform specific tasks. Nursing is a profession, but the difference is important In terms of how you practice. You are responsible and accountable to yourself and your patients and peers. The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines nursing as the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities; prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering thorough the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individual, families, communities and population.
Miss Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) dedicated her life to this noble profession and then onwards the emphasis was laid on the need for the nursing professionals, who are trained according to the standards of the prevailing medical practices. Thus nursing became an important and integral part of the medical profession involved in the management of the diseases.